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Legal Guidance Regarding Your Eminent Domain Issue

The power of government to “take” private property for a public purpose is known as the power of eminent domain and is commonly referred to as condemnation. The government’s right of eminent domain is limited by state and federal constitutions, both of which require due process of law and the payment of just compensation. Since 1929, the law firm of LeVander, Gillen & Miller, P.A. has vigorously represented landowners, as well as government entities, in the condemnation process.

Important Eminent Domain Concepts

Evaluation ~ The essence of a condemnation case involves an in-depth and realistic evaluation of both the fair market value of the property taken based upon the principle of highest and best use, as well as issues of severance and consequential remainder damages in partial takings.

Procedure ~ We are able to guide you through this unique and technical area of law to ensure that you receive the best possible result.

Negotiated Settlements ~ The first step in resolving a condemnation case is generally the exploration of negotiated settlement options prior to hearing or trial. We are experienced at crafting creative approaches to resolve cases.

Relocation Assistance ~ Individuals and businesses displaced because of a taking are often entitled to relocation assistance benefits. We understand the intricate state and federal laws and regulations applying to this area of law to ensure that you receive the maximum relocation assistance available.

Commission Hearings, Jury Trials and Appeals ~ If a negotiated settlement cannot be reached in your favor, our eminent domain attorneys are prepared to proceed to a condemnation hearing, and, if necessary, to a trial or appellate court. Thorough preparation, competent expert testimony, and aggressive and skillful advocacy are the elements of a successful case. We provide vigorous advocacy of your rights and claims at all levels in the eminent domain process.


Have more questions?

For more information on our Eminent Domain practice, please contact us or call 651-867-3409.

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